Old friends and new friends got together in South Carolina. Several of our corporate management team members from the New England office traveled to the Summerville, South Carolina branch to celebrate the holidays and learn what southern hospitality is all about!
Hall’s Chophouse was the place, and fun was the outcome! Our South Carolina branches which opened earlier this year, have been tremendously successful originating hundreds of loans in the greater Charleston and Lyman areas. Jay Byars, Branch Manager of Greater Charleston/Summerville, is extremely connected in the area and has engaged the local community by supporting charities, schools and other community events. Also, MEP has a branch office in Lyman that is headed up by Carey Johnson. His branch is also recognizing great success with the competitive loan programs and local service provided by MEP. We were so happy to have both branches together to celebrate 2019 and plan for continued success in 2020!
Welcome to our Branch! Pictured in this photo are from left to right: Larry Stone, Arona Muckenfuss, Melissa Speer, Shirene Hodgson, Jay Byars, Julia Chism, and Ahmed Ibrahim.
Out for a day of fun in the historic streets of Charleston pictured from left to right are Shirene Hodgson, Melissa Speer, and Julia Chism.
To cap off the holiday visit and celebration, the whole team got together for a fantastic meal at Hall’s Chophouse