As part of our commitment to support the communities of which we are a part, Mortgage Equity Partners is proud to be a sponsor of the North Andover Booster Club 4th of July Road Race. This will be the 40th running of the well-attended race. It will begin at 8:00 am at the Old Town …
Tom O’Brien Joins Mortgage Equity Partners
Tom O’Brien is a well-known, top performing mortgage originator. He has joined Mortgage Equity Partners in our newly acquired Nashua Branch office as the Sales Manager. He is consistently challenging his team to exceed the standards of excellence to which he holds himself. Tom has a loyal following of repeat customers and realtors that trust …
What are you willing to give up for home ownership?
A huge hurdle for young, first-time buyers to overcome when looking to purchase their first piece of real estate is coming up with the down payment. Saving can mean sacrifice, what is buying a home worth to you? Consider these several ways to save listed below: Cancel that vacation. The average vacation is $1500 which means that …
Buy When The Time Is Right For You
Prior to the real estate meltdown that brought on the ‘great recession’ a decade ago, real estate values were soaring, and buyers would do anything to get in on the action. Wall Street firmly believed that real estate values would never decline as they continued to create riskier products to stimulate sales, until the whole system …
Brad Atwood Joins Mortgage Equity Partners
Brad Atwood has been in the mortgage industry for over 20 years. Brad joined the Mortgage Equity Partners team in 2018 and currently serves his customers as a Senior Loan Officer. He specializes in First Time Homebuyer programs. He is very experienced with all FHA/VA/RD and State Housing programs including streamline refinances and rehab loans, …
Customize Your Own Mortgage Terms
The cat is out the bag… you can customize your loan terms and potentially get a much lower rate. Odd term mortgages, almost unheard of years ago, are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s marketplace. The simple idea is that you can customize the loan term to match a financial goal or a major …