Identity theft and fraud are responsible for the loss of billions of dollars each year. Fraud can happen when someone uses your credit card to make purchases without your permission. However, identity theft is more complex. When someone steals your identity, it means that they got a hold of your personal data, such as your …
How to win a bidding war in today’s real estate market
When inventory is low, and demand for housing is high, buyers compete for the same property, and things can get crazy. How crazy, you ask? According to, it is not unusual to see a home with 20 or 30 offers on it and sales prices at $50,000 to $100,000 over asking. It is easy …
Fannie Mae’s RefiNow Program is Now Available
What is RefiNow? Fannie Mae recently released their new RefiNow program. RefiNow is a government-backed program created to help low to moderate-income borrowers take advantage of the historically low-interest-rate environment. This program expands eligibility to help more homeowners refinance their mortgages. In addition, if homeowners were unable to qualify for a refinance during COVID due …
Cryptocurrency and the mortgage industry
Understanding cryptocurrency and its effects on the housing and mortgage industry Cryptocurrency is all over social media and the news, but what is it exactly? It is a type of currency that gives digital files monetary value so that they can be exchanged online to buy goods and services. Cryptocurrency uses Blockchain, a decentralized technology …
7 things to avoid after applying for a mortgage
In this competitive real estate market, you don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize your chances of securing your dream home. Some folks can pay cash for a home, but you will need to apply for a mortgage if you are like most people in the US. If you have applied for a mortgage, …
Mortgage Equity Partners is a proud supporter of The Children’s Room
Giving Back Mortgage Equity Partners is a proud supporter of The Children’s Room. The Children’s Room has been providing caring support for grieving children, teens, and their families since 1993. Started by a passionate group of caregivers in a single room at Hospice West in Waltham, MA, The Children’s Room now has a permanent center …